Released to the public for the first time ever,
famous doctor's...

New "Immunity Pump" Method
Destroys Viruses

One component killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses in testing.
Fixes 150-year-old mistake about treating viruses.
See the truth below...

Hello. I’m Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D.

You might know me from my work at Harvard University’s Channing Laboratory…

…or from my integrative medical centers in Massachusetts…

I’m writing to you today because these are frightening times for seniors or anyone with a compromised immune system…

But, unlike almost everyone else out there, I have good news…

I’m revealing my revolutionary “Immunity Pump” method that was developed to help…

Prevent dangerous infection and DESTROY viruses through a new, better, science-backed approach…

Just listen to this...

In an in vitro lab test…

one of the components in my method killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses.

And, in a moment from now, I’ll show you my “Immunity Pump” method.

If you click away, I have to warn you, you’re not going to see this information anywhere else

You’ll also never learn the controversial secret I’m about to EXPOSE...

Friend, I’m going to share something…

…that flies in the face of what we’ve been told about fighting viruses and viral infections…

You see, 150 years ago, in the early days of modern medicine…

Doctors made a colossal medical MISTAKE

And this dangerous blunder continues to this very day...

You have already been a victim of it, I can almost guarantee you.

If we hadn’t made this error over a century ago…

I believe most of us would now have almost NOTHING to fear from virus attacks.

But because we made this mistake, in my medical opinion…

Our treatment of viruses – including the coronavirusis all WRONG.

You’re going to be the only person on your block who knows this controversial secret.

Feel free to share it with those you love and trust…

You’ll be doing them a world-class favor.

In a moment I’m going to reveal my “Immunity Pump” method, which I’ve developed over 40 years…

This is my best weapon against
ALL types of viral diseases

It’s the same method I share with my senior patients.

Now, I want to be crystal clear on one thing...

I’m not saying this method will work against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Beware of anyone out there promising a “cure” for COVID-19 – because no one has proven that yet.

But, in order to understand why my method works so well…

I need to expose the 150-year-old medical mistake

…that is dooming so many Americans to sickness or even death by virus…

You’re about to see how our medical system has been failing youterribly.

I may be risking my reputation to share this, but I can’t stand on the sidelines while so many Americans suffer.

You deserve the truth.

That’s why I created this presentation…

And why I’ve decided to release it to every American senior who needs it…

Let me tell you the biggest mistake almost EVERY single frontline medical “expert” is making…

They think the virus is the danger.


The danger is from an immune system
that can’t protect you

And that’s where we’re making a DEADLY mistake.

Let me explain…

Yes, the COVID-19 coronavirus is highly infectious.

It spreads extremely easily.

But it’s not especially deadly compared to some others…

Look at it this way…

Over the past couple decades, we’ve seen 2 other smaller-scale coronavirus pandemics.

One was from SARS in China in 2002.

The other was the MERS outbreak in the Middle East in 2012.

Now, the COVID-19 coronavirus we’re dealing with now seems to kill about 3% of those who get infected.

SARS was much more deadly… killing about 10% of the people who got it.


Well, MERS was incredibly dangerous… killing 34% of those who got infected.

That’s 1 out of every 3 people who got sick… died!

(And MERS hasn’t even been eradicated – it still pops up occasionally.)

Now, COVID-19 is dangerous, of course.

Especially for seniors or the immune compromised.

But, generally, most people get only mild symptoms – or none at all.

And children and young adults have almost nothing to fear from COVID-19.


Well, the very likely cause is this…

Because they have robust, powerful immune systems.


Studies show a strong immune system can help STOP a viral infection before it takes hold

But seniors… and those with complications like diabetes… are dying at a much higher rate.

Because they have weaker immune systems.

Let me tell you…

The virus is nothing.

The immune system is EVERYTHING.

In fact, I’m about to tell you something that almost no one knows

…probably not even your own doctor.

We’ve made a HUGE mistake when it comes to viruses.

And it’s related to the gallon of milk in your fridge right now...

Remember Louis Pasteur from science class?

The French scientist Dr. Louis Pasteur is famous for our understanding of microbes or “germs”…

…which are tiny organisms like bacteria and viruses.

He invented pasteurization – the process that makes milk last longer by superheating it to kill the germs.

Now, Pasteur had a professional rival at the time…

The scientist Dr. Claude Bernard.

This guy was an absolute genius.

Harvard University’s Dr. Bernard Cohen called him, “One of the greatest of all men of science.” 

Now, Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard were actually good friends

…but the 2 great scientists differed on one HUGE point.

Pasteur believed people get sick and diseased because of germ attacks from outside our bodies…

Bernard believed that germs are always inside us

…and we only get sick when our immune systems become weak

…and allow dangerous viruses or bacteria to take hold.

The thing is, in my medical experience…

Pasteur was wrong.

Dr. Bernard was right.

And even if modern medicine has failed us (I’ll explain why in a moment), the latest science now agrees.

And so do I.

The science I’ve seen now PROVES Dr. Bernard’s theory.

And this is the KEY to preventing and destroying virus attacks.

Let me explain…

Our bodies are already FILLED with viruses, including coronaviruses.

This will shock you, but…

You have more virus cells in your body
than you do your own cells

It’s true. By a long shot.

You have about 37 trillion human cells in your body.

But that’s NOTHING compared to how many VIRUS cells you have in you right now.

For every human cell in your body – you have about 10 virus cells.

That’s right… you have over 370 TRILLION virus cells in you right now.

We all do.

In fact, humans have been home to so many viruses throughout history that…

8% of our DNA is now made up of ancient virus DNA.

This is absolutely true.

It’s known and accepted medical science.

But I bet no one has mentioned this to you before...

I also bet they never mentioned how a study found, at any one time…

the average person is carrying 5 “HARMFUL” viruseswithout even knowing it.

The fact is: We are full of both harmful and benign viruses (and bacteria and other germs) all the time.

And if Pasteur’s theory – that we get sick because of external germ attacks – was correct…

we’d be permanently sick.

But we aren’t…


Thanks to something called “antibodies”…
our immune systems are GREAT
at preventing disease

Viruses, bacteria, and other microbes are in us and around us all the time.

And our immune systems keep us healthy…

But when you do get a viral infection (like coronavirus)…

…that’s actually a symptom of an immune system out of balance.

Even famed modern microbiologist Rene Dubos agreed:

“Most microbial diseases are caused by organisms [viruses and bacteria] present in the body of a normal individual.

“They become the cause of disease when a disturbance arises which upsets the equilibrium of the body.”

This was Dr. Bernard’s theory in a nutshell…

The germs aren’t important.

It is the “environment of the body” – including your immune system – that matters.

Bernard was right about infectious disease…

Dr. Louis Pasteur was wrong.

And, in fact, even HE finally realized it…

On his deathbed, Pasteur is purported to have uttered, “Bernard was right…”

The microbe is nothing…
The environment is everything

But, sadly… this is where the huge mistake was made.

And we are all victims of it to this day.

You see, Pasteur’s theory won out.

And medicine has stumbled down the wrong path ever since...

But why did we embrace the WRONG theory?

Well, for one thing, Pasteur was very popular.

He was a hero for inventing the pasteurization process, among other things.

At the time, he was practically a celebrity.

Another reason?

Well, call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but…

…there’s no money to be made by boosting our immune systems.

Especially when the best ways to do it involve natural substances (that can’t be patented)…

But you can make BILLIONS creating drugs to “treat” the symptoms of disease.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Though, it does make you wonder, if all the countless millions of research dollars Big Pharma has put into drugs

What if that money had instead been spent on studying ways to strengthen our immune systems…

Especially those of the elderly, where most disease happens

Would we still die of infectious disease?

Would ANYONE die of viruses?

Is it possible that, if we could UNDO medicine’s big mistake, almost…

No one would need to die of coronavirus
or any other viral infection?

I know one thing: Despite Pasteur’s admission, mainstream medicine STILL doesn’t get it.

That’s why they rely on immunizations and drugs to try to keep viruses awayand fight them off.

How’s that working out lately?

It’s pretty clear from COVID-19 spreading devastation across the globe… we need a BETTER solution.

That’s why I practice Integrative Medicine

Because of its focus on the health and wellness of the whole body.

And through my clinical fellowship at Harvard

professorship at the prestigious Tufts University in Boston…

…5 years as an ER doctor

…and researching 8 best-selling books on everything from heart disease to back pain…

I realized the key to curing infectious disease was working with the perfect tool God gave all of us…

Our immune system.

Just like Dr. Bernard first realized over 100 years ago…

So, for more than 40 years I’ve been perfecting a unique 5-part method…

…built around a handful of almost unknown immunity superheroes from around the world

…one of which killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses in testing...

…plus 4 other immune boosters that are also super potent.

My method was designed to help seniors, the immune compromised, and anyone else build a supercharged immune system…

…to help destroy viruses, bacteria, candida (yeast) and other microbial pests…

…BEFORE infection takes hold in the body.

And, if a patient does get infected, a minor tweak to this same method helps their own immune system DEFEAT the infection.

It’s designed to help the immune system become SUPER STRONG…

…like it’s on STEROIDS!

You know how a champion bodybuilder pumps up his muscles by lifting weights…

This was developed to PUMP UP your immune system to help fend off viruses and bacteria

That’s why I call this method the “Immunity Pump”…

But let me say this also. As a medical doctor, I believe…

A strong immune system is the BEST way to beat infection and disease…

…and to SURVIVE any viral and microbial infections.

So, if you want to create a superhero immune system… to pump it up STRONG

…my “Immunity Pump” method – 40 years in the makingis what I believe in.

This method is all about stacking the odds in your favor…

It’s what I’m doing myself… and it’s what I’m recommending for my patients.

Not only that, it can be done from home – without a prescription.

I’ll show you exactly how it works in a moment…

First, why are those of us in our “golden years” in more danger from viruses?


The bad news is that immune response DECREASES with age…

so older folks are especially vulnerable to infections and disease.

Even if you’re a healthy senior, you’re more likely to contract viruses and infectious diseases than younger folks…

…and more likely to DIE from them.

That’s why respiratory infections – the flu, pneumonia, and now, the novel coronavirus – are some of the TOP causes of death of people over 65.

But why does this happen?

There are many theories…

…including an age-related decrease in T cells and the other infection-fighting cells that make up your immune system’s defensive arsenal.

Plus, many older folks eat less food than they used to – and often eat much of the same thing every day.

That can cause them to be deficient in many essential vitamins and minerals that are critical to keeping your immune system healthy.

The good news is…

The Immunity Pump method was designed to
increase the response and effectiveness
of the immune system…

And it’s incredibly simple…

It uses carefully selected natural virus-fighters to help build up the immune system to prevent dangerous infection…

…including the breakthrough ingredient that killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses in in vitro testing…

And then it includes an additional trio of virus assassins ready at the first sign of any infection or sickness…

Don’t worry about writing any of this down.

I’ll show you how you can request the full “Immunity Pump” protocol mailed to your home

…including the exact dosages of each ingredient, how they work, the forms I recommend, and where someone can find them.

Ok, let’s start with how to supercharge the immune system

…to help prevent viruses or microbial pathogens from taking hold in the first place…

The first part of the Immunity Pump method
is a specific combination of
5 potent immunity boosters…

Now, your doctor likely has never heard of any of these…

…but they are the most powerful immunity boosting breakthroughs I’ve discovered in my 40 years in medicine.

And I believe they’re the key to “pumping up” the anti-viral response of your immune system to help prevent infection.

Here are the first 3...

  1. Monolaurin: The natural substance that killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses

…by stripping off their protective armor, leaving viruses “naked and afraid”…

  1. Transfer Factor: A super immunity “download” from mother’s milk…
  1. Elderberry: This most potent antioxidant builds a bulletproof immune system…

…that obliterates viruses and bacteria in vitro before they take hold.

Now, let me show you what each of these “unknown” ingredients does to protect the body from viral infection…

Have you ever wondered why – at the start of the coronavirus outbreak – everyone and their brother was telling us to wash our hands for 20 seconds?

Well, the reason is because viruses are sometimes called “bad news wrapped in protein”.

Meaning… the virus itself has a protective “shell” made of protein and fats.

And, when you wash your hands, the soap helps break down that protective shell, stripping it away…

…and deactivating or “killingthe virus.

Well, I’ve discovered an astonishingly powerful anti-viral weapon that does the SAME THING…

…except it works on a cellular level.

And no one is talking about it.

It’s called monolaurin.

And monolaurin is the first part of my Immunity Pump Protocol.

I’ll explain exactly what it is in a moment.

But first I thought I’d show you how incredibly potent monolaurin is.

An in vitro scientific study found that…

Monolaurin was more than 99.9% effective in KILLING 14 common
– and often deadly – viruses…

…including one type of coronavirus, pneumonovirus, influenza, measles, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, and herpes simplex virus 1 and 2.

With all 14 viruses, monolaurin disintegrated the virus’s protective shells, destroying them…

And this study was done by no less than the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Respiratory Virology Branch – so you know it’s the real thing.

So what is it?

Monolaurin is actually a combination of 2 all-natural substances, each a potent immunity booster on its own…

The first is lauric acid.

And lauric acid comes from a surprising place…

It’s the main antiviral and antibacterial substance in human breast milk…

In fact, you could call it baby’s first antibiotic.

Lauric acid was discovered when scientists studied breast milk to understand how it protects infants from viruses and infections.

They found that lauric acid safeguards newborns from serious respiratory tract viruses.

But as powerful as lauric acid is on its own… it’s actually a building block of something that delivers an even BIGGER antiviral punch.

You see, when the lauric acid combines with another natural anti-viral substance – glycerol – in your body…

…it forms monolaurin.

And in a case of the sum being MORE than its parts…

monolaurin is an antimicrobial DYNAMO

When it comes to killing viruses, monolaurin leaves lauric acid in the dust.

But not JUST viruses… monolaurin has been proven to help wipe out various strains of bacteria and fungi in vitro as well.

Fact is…

Monolaurin can be your secret weapon
because it’s an antiviral hero

You see, monolaurin ATTACKS the protective shell around the virus

That kicks off a chain of events that KILLS viruses.

In fact, in vitro studies show that monolaurin gets to work destroying viruses in 3 key ways, including…

  • Disintegrating the virus’s protective “shell”, and deactivating the virus inside
  • Preventing viruses from entering and binding to host cells
  • Disrupting viruses’ ability to replicate (make more viruses)

And that’s making scientists very excited.

I told you how the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Respiratory Virology Branch conducted an in vitro study that showed...

…monolaurin was more than 99.9 percent effective in KILLING 14 common viruses…

…including coronavirus, pneumonovirus, influenza, measles, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, and herpes simplex virus 1 and 2.

Well, it didn’t stop there…

Another clinical trial provided insight into how monolaurin works.

It found that this potent compound BINDS to the virus’s protective shell.

That PREVENTS viruses from entering and attaching to your cellsmaking infection and replication IMPOSSIBLE.

And additional studies have provided even MORE clues to how monolaurin keeps viruses from taking hold...

Some studies have linked monolaurin’s anti-microbial effects to its ability to INTERFERE with virus maturation and replication.

And additional research has shown that when monolaurin binds to the virus’s shell, it makes viruses MORE recognizable to your immune system – so it can destroy them.

But monolaurin still has a few MORE tricks up its sleeve...

As I told you, it doesn’t just make short work of viruses by breaking down their outer coatings…

It can ALSO do the same for harmful bacteria and fungi.

Monolaurin is a safe and effective treatment – without the side effects of antibiotics and other dangerous drugs

You see, antibiotic resistance is a growing health crisis – and folks are DYING from common infections that used to be treatable.

But monolaurin is a NATURAL bacteria-killing hitman.

In vitro studies have shown it can destroy many common bacterial strains.

Monolaurin uses the same mechanism on bacteria that it uses to destroy viruses…

…it penetrates the fatty coating of bacterial cells and basically dissolves them.

That prevents bacterial cells from attaching to the host cells – stopping bacteria from replicating and spreading…

…and making it easier for your immune system to destroy them.

And unlike some pharmaceutical drugs… bacteria DON’T seem to develop a resistance to monolaurin.

But that’s still not all monolaurin can do… it’s also a powerful antifungal.

A study published in the Journal of Food Safety, found that monolaurin inhibited the growth of 16 different groups of fungi, including yeast (candida albicans).

So, with all of the mounting in vitro evidence of monolaurin’s antiviral and antimicrobial superpowers

…why ISN’T mainstream medicine sitting up and taking notice?

Friend, once again, it all comes down to the almighty dollar.

As I told you, monolaurin is a derivative of lauric acid – which you’ll find in breast milk and coconut milk.

Well, until Big Pharma can patent coconuts or breast milk, you’re not likely to hear much about this antimicrobial wonder.

That’s what makes my Immunity Pump Protocol so differentand so much better.

It starts with finding the perfect kind of monolaurin as a supplement

…and taking it at a specific dosage.

In a moment, I’ll tell you exactly how to get all the details on Part 1 of my protocol:

Finding the right kind of monolaurin, the antiviral superhero that kills 99.9% of 14 common tested viruses in vitro.

But first I want to share with you the other parts…

Going next to Part 2…

A super immunity “download” from our Creator

Remember how I mentioned that lauric acid – a building block of monolaurin – was found in breast milk?

Well, you’re going to start thinking there’s a theme here – and I suppose there is…

Because the second step in my protocol involves another substance found in breast milk.

There’s a reason for this.

For the first weeks after birth…

…a mother’s milk is absolutely packed with the most potent immunity boosting substances on God’s green earth.

And this next one is positively mind-blowing…

Did you know that mother’s milk contains an extraordinary substance…

…called Transfer Factor (TF)

…that passes along immunity to the viruses, bacteria, and pathogens the mother has already faced?

It’s truly incredible.

It’s like Transfer Factor “downloads” all of a mother’s immunity to her babypassing it along for generations.

It’s no wonder I call Transfer Factor the “brains of your immune system.”

And here’s the very good news…

Yes, “mother’s milk” is LOADED with the stuff… but you don’t have to be a baby to reap its benefits.

TF can give its protective power to anyone who needs it – even folks with weak immune systems.

When TF is transferred from the donor to someone new…

…it teaches the new cells to recognize harmful pathogens – like viruses, germs, bacteria, fungi, and parasites

But transfer factor doesn’t just pass along the memory of those threats from when they were encountered in the past…

Transfer factor (TF) passes along
IMMUNITY to them

That means YOUR immune system can react instantly

…fighting off dangerous viruses and bacteria as soon as it encounters them.

And while most doctors don’t know much about TF, pioneering scientists have finally taken notice…

For example, a study published in Folio Biologic called “Transfer factor: An overlooked potential for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases”…

…showed that TF can successfully treat a variety of pathogens (disease-causing microbes).

The scientists made several compelling discoveries, including that TF could prevent infection from the dreaded herpes virus…

And that TF doesn’t just KILL viruses – it keeps them from TAKING HOLD in the first place.

Can you see why I consider TF so vital for defending against virus attacks?

And why I made a specific dose of TF Part 2 of my Immunity Pump Protocol?

But… you might be wondering “Dr. Rothfeld, do I have to drink breast milk to get TF?”

No! Fortunately, Transfer Factor is available as supplementif you know where to look.

That’s how I take it, and it’s what I recommend to my own patients.

In a moment I’ll share with you how to get the details on where to find the TF supplement

…and, most importantly, the specific dosage someone could take.

But before I do that, I want to share with you the 3rd part of my Immunity Pump Protocol.

The 3rd part involves a potent purple berry that helps BULLETPROOF your immune system

A berry?

Well, this isn’t just any berry…

Imagine an all-natural medical marvel that’s so PACKED with immune-boosting, virus-fighting power

…a major U.S. university created an annual 6-day international symposium dedicated ENTIRELY to its healing superpowers.

I’m talking about the humble elderberry.

elderberry twig

It all began when a group of brilliant scientists from the University of Missouri

…discovered what may be the world’s next super immunity booster was hiding right in their own backyard.

The first International Elderberry Symposium, held in 2013, was billed as…

…“the world’s first gathering of international scientists studying all aspects of the elderberry, and its use as a food and dietary supplement.”

And thanks to growing scientific evidence of elderberry’s healing powers, the event has been held every year since.

Elderberries, which grow in late summer along Missouri roadways, have long been a favorite in jams and wines...

But now a growing mountain of evidence points to them as FAR more than just a palate pleaser.

And it’s backing up a healing tradition that dates to 400 B.C. when ancient healers used the purple berries to battle colds, flu, arthritis, and other diseases.

In fact, some medical experts now say that elderberries could hold the key to building a bulletproof immune system…

…the ticket to helping your body battle viruses and other pathogens.

You see…

Elderberries are LOADED with antiviral compounds that can fight viruses at various stages of infection…

…including the EARLIEST stages, when the virus tries to enter your cells and replicate.

But elderberry practically puts a “Do Not Enter” sign on your cells – and ENFORCES it.

And if you DO get sick, this potent purple berry could make your symptoms MUCH less severe… and help you recover a LOT faster.

I’ll tell you more about that in a moment.

But first, let’s talk about what gives elderberries their immune-boosting power.

Well, most researchers agree it’s likely their unique nutritional profile…

…including their off-the-chart antioxidant levels

…some of the HIGHEST of ANY edible berries.

Scientists measure antioxidant levels using something called an ORAC value.

Take blueberries, for example.

These antioxidant-rich berries are often touted as superfoods and praised for their nutritional benefits – as they should be.

The ORAC value of blueberries is 9,621 — an impressive measurement, to be sure.

But that’s NOTHING compared to elderberries…

…which smash the scales with an ORAC of 14,697.

chart comparing the ORAC levels between elderberries and blueberries

Here’s why that matters.

During a typical day, we’re all exposed to a mix of chemicals, pollutants, and other toxins, like radiation, pesticides, and tobacco smoke.

These interactions kick off a chemical reaction in your body called oxidation.

A by-product of oxidation is the production of harmful free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage the cells and tissues they come in contact with, including your immune cells.

This is bad news.

In fact, that damage – called “oxidative stress” – is linked to nearly every major illness and condition we face today…

…from nasty viral infections, to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and even the aging process itself.

On the other hand, antioxidants like those found in elderberries…

PROTECT your cells against damaging free radicals.

And, as a I mentioned a moment ago…

elderberries are loaded with so many antioxidants they’re practically off the chart!

But those long-term disease-fighting benefits aren’t the only way antioxidants help to keep us healthy…

Elderberry’s antioxidant power can keep you from getting sick every day

You see, antioxidants are a critical part of your body’s natural defense system against harmful bugs, including the viruses that cause colds, flu, respiratory infections, and more.

Not only that, elderberry is packed with additional vitamins and nutrients that give your immune system the boost it needs to stay healthy.

But what’s most exciting to me is how elderberry SLAYS viruses.

Sambucol – a specialized elderberry extract – was shown to be effective in vitro against 10 different strains of the influenza virus.

Friend, if you’ve ever been laid low by the flu, you know it’s more than just miserable…

Flu viruses KILL hundreds of thousands globally every year, especially older folks like us.

But mainstream medicine doesn’t have much to offer you if you’re battling a nasty bout of flu.

Elderberry to the rescue.

This all-natural treatment could get you back on your feet a LOT faster.

And it can do it without any of the troubling side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the gold standard), published in the Journal of International Medical Research…

researchers investigated elderberry’s effects against the flu.

The participants included 60 adults who’d been battling influenza for less than 48 hours.

Half the group was randomly given a 15 ml dose of elderberry syrup, which they took 4 times a day for 5 days.

The other half received a look-alike placebo syrup, which they took on the same schedule.

So what happened?

Let’s just say that the elderberry BLEW the placebo out of the water.

Folks who took the real elderberry got better an average of 4 full days sooner

Not only that… FAR fewer members of the elderberry group needed a rescue med inhaler.

According to the researchers, “a complete cure” was achieved by a whopping 90 percent of the elderberry takers within just 2 to 3 days.

The placebo group wasn’t quite so lucky – they didn’t recover for 7 to 8 miserable days.

That led the researchers to conclude that elderberry could be an “efficient, safe and cost-effective treatment for influenza”…

…though I bet your doctor hasn’t mentioned it, right?

But elderberry doesn’t just kick flu viruses to the curb…

…the common cold virus may have met its match as well. 

A study published in the journal Nature revealed the extract might be able to reduce both the length of colds AND the severity of the symptoms.

That’s why Part 3 of my Immunity Pump Prevention Protocol is getting the right dosage of elderberry extract.

You can’t just buy any off the shelf – I have a specific recommended kind and dose for maximum anti-viral effect.

With elderberry extract, TF, and monolaurin you have the first 3 powerhouse ingredients of my Immunity Pump Prevention Protocol…

…but there are 5 ingredients in all that make up the full protocol.

But I know you’re busy.

And I don’t want to take up more of your time by explaining all 5 here.

Besides, I have a better way…

For the first time ever…

I’m making my complete
Immunity Pump Protocol available
to every American who needs it

Previously, the only way to get this information was to see me at my Massachusetts clinic.

For the first time, I’ve put the entire system…

That’s every step of the Immunity Pump anti-viral protocol…

The exact dosages

And even my recommended sources for each breakthrough ingredient…

…in a NEW report called “The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections”.

Cover sample of The Immunity Pump Protocol

And it’s now available to every American who’s concerned about virus infection…

…and I’d like to offer you your own personal copy.

The Immunity Pump Protocol report is 108 pages long…

And it’s written in plain English.

It’s just like you are sitting down with me in my office…

I go through each part of the Immunity Pump method…

…explaining how each ingredient works to destroy viruses…

…including where each are sold

…and my recommended dose.

But that’s not all.

Notice how I called my 5-part Immunity Pump protocol a “prevention” protocol?

Because that’s what it is… a way to help PREVENT a widespread viral infection…

But what if someone already HAS an infection?

What if a person still gets infected by a virus or bacteria?

All the details are in my Immunity Pump Acute Protocol…

That’s where I show…

How to fight a nasty viral infection that has taken hold...

It starts by tripling the dosages of 3 of the 5 Immunity Pump Prevention ingredients…

I tell you exactly which ones in the report…

BUT – you’re also going to add in 3 additional potent virus fighters

I call them the “Terminator Trio”…

This is like bringing in a squad of Army Rangers to hunt and destroy viruses…

When you’re fighting a viral infection, you need the strongest weapons at your disposal…

…and that’s what the “Terminator Trio” deliver.

One of the trio in my “Acute” protocol is called coryza forte.

And, in my medical experience, coryza forte excels at fighting viral respiratory infections.

It’s actually a combination of 8 key natural substances specifically chosen for their virus-pounding, immune-boosting prowess.

It’s that powerful.

And in my Immunity Pump “Acute” Protocol report I tell you everything you need to know about the 8 virus-fighting ingredients in coryza forte

You’ll find out exactly what it is…

How it works…

Where to get it…

The recommended dose

And every other detail you need.

I take all the guesswork out of it, and show you each part of the protocol

Just like if you were my own patient.

And coryza forte is still just one of the “Terminator Trio” – the 3 virus-killing ingredients in my Acute protocol.

In my Immunity Pump Protocol report…

You get every detail you need on the full “Acute” Protocol for beating viral infections

I make sure every question you have is answered…

I show you my recommended dosages…

This is an extremely powerful therapy and I’ve seen it work over and over again.

And it is exactly what I tell my patients if they come to me with a viral infection…

For the first time, I’m releasing this “Acute” protocol to everyone who needs it…

…as well as the “Prevention” protocol for stopping infections before they start.

When you claim your own personal copy of my Immunity Pump Protocol…

You get BOTH full protocols.

You’ll find full details on my virus Prevention protocol…


  1. Monolaurin: The natural substance that killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses

…by stripping off their protective armor, leaving them “naked and afraid”…

  1. TF: A super immunity “download” from mother’s milk…
  1. Elderberries: This most potent antioxidant builds a bulletproof immune system…

…that obliterates viruses and bacteria before they take hold.

And the other 2 antivirals that make up the complete 5-part protocol…

You’ll also get my Acute protocol – which includes coryza forte…

…the 8-antivirals weapon you need when you are fighting a virus infection…

And the other 2 ingredients that make up the “Terminator Trio”…

…the most potent healing weapons for when someone is already fighting a viral or bacterial infection…

Including exactly what to buy… where to get themand the specific dosage necessary

But that’s still not all.

You see…

I included 2 bonus sections in your
Immunity Pump Protocol report…

Bonus #1. The first bonus section is 3 easy things you can do for FREE to boost your immune system.

There are a few simple steps you can do from home that cost absolutely nothing to POWER UP your immunity.

You’ll get all my best no-cost secrets starting on page 97 of your new report.

Bonus #2. Eat your way to immunity.

Did you know there’s a special way to EAT that helps boost your resistance to viruses, bacteria, and microbials?

If you’re someone who’s looking for every advantage against infection, this could be your secret weapon.

I reveal everything you need to know on page 101 of your report.

The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections” was written specifically for American seniors or those with weakened immune systems…

This breakthrough immunity protocol is the result of my 40 years in medicine…

I’ve spent decades learning what works best…

And, for the first time, I’m making it available to all Americans.

Now, I always recommend talking to your doctor before changing anything about your healthcare…

And this report gives you everything you need to discuss the full immune-boosting protocol with him…

But if he’s unfamiliar with most of these immune supercharger ingredients, well, I’m afraid I won’t be surprised…

Because while I am sure he’s very smart, and wants the best for your health…

…what most doctor don’t know

And what the mainstream is getting wrong about how to stop viral infection

…could fill a public library.

Well, I believe you have a RIGHT to know about the truth behind medicine’s big viral mistake

And these proven ways to boost the immune system to keep viruses and bacteria at bay…

That’s why I’ve taken the most important information I’ve ever discovered about beating viruses and other pathogens…

Including the 2 complete Immunity Pump Protocols

The “Prevention” Protocol for preventing virus infection in the first place…

And the “Acute” protocol for beating a viral or microbial infection

And published them in my new report: The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections.

I published this new report as a guide for all Americans who want to know the REAL truth about taking on viruses

And learn about potent new therapies they’ll never hear about from their doctor.

In my Immunity Pump Protocol, you’ll get full details on how to prevent virus infection using…

  1. Monolaurin: The natural substance that killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses

…by stripping off their protective armor, leaving them “naked and afraid”…

  1. TF: A super immunity “download” from mother’s milk…
  1. Elderberries: This most potent antioxidant builds a bulletproof immune system…

…that obliterates viruses and bacteria before they take hold.

AND you’ll get my “Acute” protocol as well – using the “Terminator Trio” to destroy viruses that have taken hold in your body…

Friend, I pray that you’re not facing a virus now…

I pray that no one you love has a viral infection

And I pray that you’ll never get one…

But the fact is: Viruses and microbials are all around us.

And, as you learned, they’re also INSIDE us. Trillions of them.

So why not have this new resource available when you need it?

The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections”…

…includes all my best insider knowledge for strengthening your immune system…

The information in this important guide is VITAL for preventing and even fighting viruses and other microbial infections

Again, the report is 108 pages long, and written in plain English.

All the information is easy to follow, and laid out in a logical format.

Reading it is just like sitting down with me in my office.

And as a thank you for reading this today…

I’ve reserved one copy of “The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections” for you

…at a 50% savings.

Normally, this report sells for $99…

…and I believe that’s a bargain for the 2 full virus-fighting protocols it holds.

But I think this information is so valuableand so URGENT today.

I want everyone to have access to all its virus-crushing secrets

So, for a limited time…

…I’m making it available to my most trusted readers and friends, for just $49.

That’s a 50% savings for you.

I can’t wait for you to start reading this new report…

…and accessing the underground virus-killing protocols found inside.

I know you’ll consider it the best $49 you’ve ever spent.

But… I don’t want you to worry about a thing

So I’m giving you a 100% satisfaction guarantee when you buy The Immunity Pump Protocol today.

Cover sample of The Immunity Pump Protocol

That means you take ZERO riskever.

Just claim a report today…

In a few days, you’ll receive your personal report in the mail.

When you get it, open it up…

Read the full report… take your time, there’s no rush at all

I think you’ll be amazed at the value you’ll find inside…

BUT… if you’re not satisfied for any reason

You can request a full refund and
we’ll gladly oblige…

No questions asked and no fine print.

And that guarantee never expires.

If you decide a month from now… or 6 months… or 6 years…

…that you’re not satisfied, for any reason, just request a refund.

And you’ll get one.

I don’t want there to be anything that stands in your way…

…of accessing my complete virus-fighting system.

Ok, it’s time.

Time to get access to…

  1. Monolaurin: The natural substance that killed 99.9% of 14 common viruses

…by stripping off their protective armor, leaving them “naked and afraid”…

  1. TF: A super immunity “download” from mother’s milk…
  1. Elderberry: This most potent antioxidant builds a bulletproof immune system

…that, in in vitro testing, obliterates viruses and bacterial infection before they take hold.

And so much more.

You’ll find all this and more in your personal copy of:

Cover sample of The Immunity Pump Protocol

“The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections”.

The way I see it, you have a choice to make…

The first option is to do nothing… and leave your immune system health to chance.

Do you really want to roll the dice on something like that?

The second option is to claim my Immunity Pump Protocol for yourself.

It’s the result of my 40 years in medicine…

…discovering these little-known underground secrets for defeating viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous microbials…

That’s the option I hope you take.

The right option…

Look at the bottom of this screen now.

You’ll see a button that says “Add to Cart”…

Go ahead and click that button.

You’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can tell me exactly where to mail your copy of…

…the 108-page “The Immunity Pump Protocol: Underground Secrets for Beating Viral Infections”.

And, remember, your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.

Do click the button below now.

For “The Immunity Pump Protocol,” I’m Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D.

Thank you for spending this time with me today.

Click the button below now.

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